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A Love Story

Dear Families,

Last weekend was incredible. Almost 300 BFL members and their spouses came together for our first couples retreat since the pandemic.  It was oxygen for the spirit. I think the photos below tell the story better than any words but I did want to include the note below about Ran Israeli, one of our members who was critically injured in Lebanon when his unit was hit by a barrage of mortars from Hizbollah.

“Many speak of the sacrifice the injured soldiers make when we defend our country, but few speak of the sacrifice our loved ones make when they have to deal with a partner that came home from battle a different person.”

It’s challenging to live with a spouse suffering from post-trauma. The mischievous smile and sparkling eyes are suddenly replaced by anger or impatience.  Wallowing in our hardships, we tend to forget those that love us the most. That’s why a few moments to get away and to rest with our partners are critical for our relationships.  The BFL Couples Retreat is a refresh for our relationships like nothing else I can describe. After just 24 hours, all six hundred people are holding hands and feeling closer than ever.”

Liraz, Ran’s wife, described in her own words, “For us, this retreat is an opportunity for ourselves to finally be together, just the two of us, without children, without errands and commitments. We have time to breathe, to be with dear friends. There is time for conversations and rest.”

This retreat is the most fun experience of the year. We meet new members and their spouses who recently joined our BFL family, it’s always combined with great moments together.

Our couple’s retreat is the best opportunity to celebrate the victory of love over the injury, and remind ourselves and our loved ones that despite all the challenges and obstacles – we are still here, together.

Shabbat Shalom from Israel,


PS: This week we have 7 of our brothers at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado (one of the best clinics for orthopedic injuries in the world). In between treatments they are connecting with US injured veterans and trying adaptive skiing.

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